Anna Bell: When I grow up, I'm going to go to jail.
Me: hmm.
(Our dear Macon friends, the Jones came to visit a couple of weeks ago and this convo happened between Joshua and Mrs. Cortney while watching the Olympics)
Joshua: Ewww, why did that girl just spit in her hands?!!?
Cort: They do that so they can get a good grip on the bars with that powder on their hands
Joshua: That's what country people do. ...And we're city people...well....sorta.
(AB was being discipined for being unkind with her words.)
Me: Anna Bell, it is very important that when we are unkind to someone that we ask for their forgiveness and for God to forgive us. Mama has to ask for forgiveness when I am unkind with my words too.
Anna Bell: Who are you unkind to?
Me. Well, sometimes I am unkind with my words towards daddy and I have to ask for his forgiveness.
Anna Bell: (with big eyes) WHY?!!?
Me: Because I am selfish and sinful.
Anna Bell: (with a great deal of expression) But he's the
Me: Oh brother....