Friday, August 10, 2007

New to Me

For those of you who know me, this doesn't come as a big surprise: I didn't know anything about this whole "tag" thing. I'm gonna give it the ol college try.

I've been tagged.

Four jobs I've had:
1. Furniture constructor
2. Car washer
3. QMRP (Qualified Mental Retardation Professional)
4. Nanny

Four places I've lived:
1. Nashville, TN
2. Athens, GA
3. Bolivar, MO
4. Wake Forest, NC

Favorite TV Shows:
1. Lost
2. 24
3. Those are pretty much the only shows I like.
4. However, we watch a lot of Elmo & DoodleBops @ the Broome house.

1. ICE CREAM (I miss Goodburys!)
2. Greek salad (Panara is my favorite)
3. Chick-fil-A
4. Bow-tie pasta & pesto (Girls: this is my new fav. me if you want it!)

Places I'd rather be:
1. Any beach (with Freddy and the kids)
2. Any outlet mall (preferably without my wonderful husband and precious children)
3. A great seminary lecture (Yes, I do miss school at times)
4. Catching up with family and friends

Favorite Movies:
1. Sound of Music
2. Yours, Mine, & Ours (the old version)
3. I Am Sam
4. Patch Adams

Tag Time:
1. Shannon B.
2. Holly S.
3. Sherrie B.
4. Connie


Shannon Bradley said...

oh my goodness, shannon will love this tag time thing!

Tim and Sherri said...

So I only know 2 people that and my sister in law, and you've both already do it. How do I find more people who blog?

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