Today is my wonderful husband's 30th Birthday!!!!
I am so thankful for him.
These are just 30 of the many reasons why...
1. He is the spiritual leader of our home.
2. He can always make me laugh...even when I'm in a cranky mood:)
3. There is no pretense about my husband...he is who he is- and who he is is pretty great!
4. He is the best preacher of the Word that I know.
5. He is creative.
6. He is a thorough and critical thinker.
7. He loves me so selflessly.
8. He loves students and their families.
9. He loves Jesus...with everything that he is.
10. He cares about and looks towards our future.
11. He is one incredible daddy.
12. He doesn't complain when the laundry isn't done or we eat mac-n-cheese for dinner.
13. He puts our family first.
14. He loves to share his hobbies with me.
15. He loves God's Word.
16. He is a reader.
17. Even at 30, he is one seriously handsome fella.
18. He is a learner.
19. He values my opinion- for our family and ministry.
20. He loves my family.
21. He is the most forgiving person I know.
22. He doesn't care much about the latest style or fad.
23. He dreams big.
24. His memory and retention of information is amazing.
25. He loves the Tarheels...and although I rarely have the attention span to watch an entire game on TV, I do too:)
26. He laughs at my attempt at humor...and i'm really not that funny.
27. He plays the guitar and has a great understanding of music.
28. He has the greatest color of blue eyes...that have been passed down to 3/3 of our kids.
29. He is very smart...but never pretends to be smarter than he is.
30. Fred Broome is the husband that God chose for me. And I couldn't be more grateful.
I love you, honey:) Happy Birthday.