Thursday, October 02, 2008


I can't believe that Joshua turned three last week. I know that everyone says it, but seriously, how do they grow up so fast?!!?? We had the best birthday celebration. We went back and forth about having a party and finally decided against it for at least one more year. We spent the day playing outside with Joshua's new bike and art set, had Joshua's requested spaghetti and meatballs for dinner, ate cake, and then made a quick trip to Wal-Mart where Joshua got to spend some of his birthday money on Thomas trains. All-in-all, a fabulous day in the life of a three year old!!!

Thanks for the bike, Grandpa and Grandma!!! Doesn't Joshua look like such big stuff on it??!!

I am so very thankful and blessed to be Joshua's mom. ...And as I say that, I have to laugh and be honest in saying that I just had to take a break from writing this post to discipline him for getting out of his bed during nap time (this is a CONSTANT battle at our house right now...any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!) Joshua is not the perfect kid. I am very very far from being the perfect mom towards Joshua. We are a lot alike in that we're both stubborn, strong-willed and a little bit "too full of life" at times! Joshua is constantly teaching me and reminding me of my need for God's grace and strength. He also makes me laugh a ton! He is such a funny little kid with such a big personality. He does such a great job of being polite and conversational with adults. He has become a great little helper around the house and I know will help me so much when his brother arrives. Joshua has a great memory; he does a better job of remembering names at church than I do! He has memorized quite a few Bible verses and is even learning how to apply them to his life. Like the other day: we had some friends over and the mom said something about obeying, so Joshua piped in with Ephesians 6:1 and how we obey because God says so! I overheard him playing with his trains the other day and he told Thomas "You need to obey. Do you understand? If you do not obey, you will get a spankin'. Yes mam? I need to hear you say 'yes mam."...HA!!!! Oh what great accountability their little hearts and voices are!!! I don't know what God has in store for Joshua. Our prayer is that he would be strong and very courageous and obey the Word of the Lord. I am confident that God is able to do great things in and through him! I am excited to see those plans unfold. Sometimes I loose perspective with Joshua and get caught up in the daily frustrations of discipline and training, but he really is such a blessing. I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the privilege of being his mom. Thank you, Lord for our precious three year old!!!!


Sandy said...

Your blog brings back vivid and precious memories. My solution when David wouldn't stay in bed at naptime, I tied a jump rope from the doorhandle of his room to the doorhandle of the adjacent bathroom so that he at least couldn't come out.

Why I didn't just think to reverse the door knob so that I could lock him in, I do not know--I was dumb!! ;) BUT, he finally realized he might as well give it up and stay in bed. He took many naps on the floor beside his door where he had kicked, screamed, and fussed until he fell asleep exhausted! Oh happy day!

I love that you are investing in these precious lives so intentionally and making sure that they learn God's Word. You will never regret anything that 'feels' like a sacrifice because this season will fly. Love to you all! "Aunt" Sandy

Kelli said...

Hahaha! The monkey face, 2nd generation. Perfect. Happy birthday to Joshua. What a cute, sweet little boy he is. You and I should probably talk more. I think Joshua and Sloan are a lot alike. So wonderful, so fun, but definately challenging for their mama's! Love you guys. Hope you're feeling well.

Kelli said...

Oh, and just FYI - we went through a phase with Sloan around 3, where he started to give up naps way before he was (or I) was ready. I finally quit making it a huge deal but required him to stay in his bed, with books and be quiet, but he didn't have to sleep. Withint about a month he was back to consistently taking naps. The choice just needed to be his! Now, he rarely takes naps, but I'm okay with it. He just rests quietly in his room. Good luck!

The Via Colony said...

The last picture is my FAV.!!

I can't believe he's already 3...

Adam, Connie, Josiah, and Bella said...

Happy Birthday Joshua! Wow! 3 years - that's how long it's been since we lived in the same area! Sometimes seminary seems like a lifetime ago! I don't have any nap advice - thankfully Josiah is still in his crib and I am listening to him protesting his nap right now! Love you bunches, and I appreciate the monkey face!

andiewade said...

so sweet! rachel turns 3 on the 18th and i can't believe it. where did our babies go??

i've heard rachel say those same exact kinds of things (about obeying and getting a spanking and saying yes ma'am) to her toys... and her little brother :). it's amazing how much they absorb... and a little scary too!

sheltonfamily said...

Happy Birthday Josh! 3 is such a fun age and I know he must love his new bike. I let Ellie play in her room as well. She will stay in there for 2 hours of course it is a disaster when I come in to get her. She needs the quiet time and probably 3 days a week she will fall asleep. I don't think I will give nap/quiet time until she goes to kindergarten!

The Via Colony said...

I just tagged you and I'm anxiously awaiting to learn 7 random things about you. You can read the rules on my blog=)

neubiewaters said...

Lindsey -
When are you due? Can't remember exactly.

Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker
Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker